Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Year, New Blog, New Beginning...

It's the start of a brand new year, and I've decided to have a fresh new beginning when it comes to blogging. Most of the things will stay the same as my previous blog, but probably more organised and labelled.
Also, I hope that by jotting down the little experiences that I go through in life, this blog could serve as a reminder for myself (and the people who read it) that we really don't need a lot to be happy and that happiness can come in bit-sized pieces too. :)

p.s. In case you are wondering, I didn't delete the previous blog/blogposts. I just switched the domain/address of the blog with another empty blog. So my past blogposts are still around, just under another blog address.
p.p.s. The different headings on the right side are based on song titles.

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